A system analyst and solutions architect with active involvement in system designs, incepting real-world application of service components, and managing stakeholder communications Kaleab leads the entirety of MinabTech operations.

National Recruitment Platform
Processing of local and overseas workers data and job matching,implemented for Jobs Creation Commission, funded by SIDA.

HaHuJobs for Industry Parks
Labour Management Information System implemented in 8industry parks across Ethiopia in collaboration with EthiopianInvestment Commission (EIC), funded by MasterCard Foundation.

HaHuJobs Jobs Ecosystem
A job platform with 150,000+ users, features include a jobaggregator, enterprise HRMS services, training, university & TVETintegration, data analysis and visualization, Telegram channel andbot, and more.

iConsult & Auxilio
Open source collaborative policy consultation and agenda setting web and mobile apps in collaboration with i4Policy, a collaborationof 45 start-up and innovation hubs from 20 African countries.

Jobs Protection Facility Platform
Aimed at saving thousands of jobs in Ethiopia’s textile and garments industry while helping to support the country’s economic recovery from COVID-19, this platform helped to apply for and dispers USD 6.5 million funding by the governments of the UK, US and Germany.

AAU Annual Job Fair
A job fair digitization and facilitation platform for annual job fairs held at AAU 6 kilo campus.

National SME Data Analysis
Cleaning, analysis and visualization of data of over 19,000 Ethiopian SMEs for national strategic decision in response to COVID 19 impact on informal sectors.